Project description MIGRATIONS PROJECTS

Microsoft development, database development and database administration, web portals and OO development...

Microsoft Access, VBA, VB 6.0, Microsoft Excel, SQL Dual function as project manager


MS Access, VBA, VB 6.0, MS Excel, SQL

UBS AG, Zürich

PROJECT LINK: Not available
People in the PROJECT: Stefan Tröhler
PROJECT Duration: Jan 2001 - Jan 2001
PROJECT Value: SFR. 00'000.00


Proekte Portfolio

Creation of an application for project monitoring for the office of the Board of Directors of UBS AG. On the one hand, projects are managed in terms of budget and expenditure, and on the other hand, they are compared with the actually posted financial data. The application was developed using Microsoft Access, VBA, SQL as well as Microsoft Excel and VB 6.0.

Responsible : To plan, coordinate and control the project efficiently. Traditional instruments such as network planning, project cost planning and resource planning help him in this. The newer planning instruments also include the project definition, the analysis of the project environment, the project structure planning and phase-related workshops (project start, milestone, project completion workshop).

  • Creating a system for project monitoring.
  • Employees record their working hours at the task level of the project (online).
  • The service catalog required for this is made available by means of a Microsoft project file at project level.
  • The times recorded by the employees are displayed in consolidated form on a daily basis and transferred to a Microsoft Access 97 database.
  • In the application (Microsoft Access 97) there is a synchronization with the MS project file and the times effectively worked by the employees are entered in the Microsoft project file.
  • Deviations from planning are shown immediately and measures are taken
  • Proposed automatically.
  • Requirement Engineering.
  • Create a data model using Dezign.
  • Implementation of customer requirements using Microsoft Access 97.
  • Microsoft Visual Basic for Application.
  • Providing synchronization (Microsoft Access 97 and Microsoft Project).
  • Data transfer from the time recording.
  • Testing and documentation (user and technical).
  • In the administrative area, responsibility for project management and project planning.
  • The creation of specifications according to customer specifications.
  • Compliance with deadlines and budget.
  • Resource planning, project monitoring.
  • The team management and staff management (25 employees from 2003 - 2012, project volume> 30,000,000 SFr.).
  • In the technical area, I was responsible for data modeling.
  • The database development (SQL Server) and the implementation of the logic in Transact SQL.
  • Image editing tools in .NET area (C #, EPF, WCF).
  • I also implemented the interface between compiler and database.
  • Maintenance of the SQL Server (configuration of a database server,
  • Memory areas, processes and threads, control of resources,
  • Transaction management, security features, configuration of instances and databases, user accounts and logins, roles and authorizations, tuning of an instance, parallel queries, replication, clustering,
  • Partitioning, database mirroring, database snapshots, etc.).