Microsoft development, database development and database administration, web portals and OO development...

Microsoft Access-Developer / Consultant – Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, VBA, SQL Server, T-SQL, Jira, SAP, Oracle, DWH, Microsoft SQL Server, SSIS, Alterix


MS Access, MS Excel, VBA, SQL Server, T-SQL, Jira, SAP, Oracle, DWH, MS SQL Server, SSIS, Alterix

UBS AG, CTO, SDLC Host based MS Access development

PROJECT LINK: Not available
Persons in the PROJECT: Stefan Troehler
PROJECT Duration: Jul 2018 - Feb 2020
PROJECT value: SFR. 00,000.00


Project portfolio

Project SDLC Reporting

The project consists of several databases, which contain the tables necessary for importing the data, the queries necessary to refine the data, the macros needed to execute the workflow, which in turn are started by the Power Shell scripts and in turn the functions and procedures which were developed using VBA. Each of these individual databases can be compared to an ETL route. Additional databases consolidate the data for reporting on the SDLC reports. Procedure for the execution of the entire application: Power Shell scripts call the macros, which in turn call the complex VBA logicians to import the data and to clean up the data as well as to consolidate the data. The entire application was developed using Microsoft Access, VBA and Power Shell.

  • Developing a host-controlled MS Access Load of data.
  • Loading the tables in Alterix and SSIS, T-SQL.
  • Load the DWH tables.
  • Loading the application data (JIRA, RNOW etc.).
  • Output and reporting.
  • Create complex workflows with Power Shell.
  • Data synchronization between different applications (DAP / ADO).
  • Data synchronization between different applications (DAP / ADO).
  • Complex SQL queries in MS Access.
  • Import of various data sources.

Project Access2Git

The aim of this project is to break down the individual Access applications into their objects, to save the objects in the form of text files and to import these in turn into Github. This ensures that the individual objects, which in turn form an application, can be properly managed in a version and source code management. Of course, objects can also be obtained from the source code management and the applications can thus be re-created from the individual objects. It is also possible to merge objects from different versions into a new version. The entire application was developed using Microsoft Access and VBA.

  • Administration of the MS Access databases involved (approx. 20 DB).
  • Object-related backup and restore of all MS Access databases.
  • Object-related creation of versions and rebuild of applications.
  • MS Access object output to GITHUP.
  • Creating the logic using VBA.
  • Creating the user interfaces in Access using VBA.
  • Creating the input validations using VBA.

MAQualyfication project

The application is already a dynamic Excel, which carries out various calculations based on the self-assessment of the employees and then carries out a graphic evaluation of the self-assessment of the employees in the GROUP CTO department of UBS AG. The application was developed using Microsoft Excel and VBA. The data is recorded manually in a template.

  • Creating dynamic tables using VBA.
  • Calculating scores using VBA.
  • Output of evaluations using dynamic diagrams.
  • Synchronization of data using VBA.

ProjectCallculation project

The application was implemented with Microsoft Excel and Microsoft VBA. Data is loaded from the systems, refined and calculated. Dynamic tables are created in which both hours and costs of the individual bookings of the systems are calculated against the actual figures of the responsible departments. Complex calculations for the creation of the dynamic tables and for the comparison of the financial data as well as the time data are implemented and the results are output in various reports, which are exported as individual Excel tables.

  • Creating dynamic tables using VBA.
  • Calculating financial data using VBA.
  • Presentation of the calculated data in the form of dynamic tables.
  • Export the dynamic tables as reports for the individual department heads as well as for the responsible persons in the finance department.